Sunday, September 30, 2012


1. Middle East
Dark colored skin
Black garments over Woman

2. The world thought that the Muslim's were terrorist and killing people for their religion.

3.After 911, we thought that all Muslims were terrorist because it was Muslims who blew up the twin towers.

4. My perception on Muslim's is that they are strict about their religion. The woman have to were alot of clothing. And they follow the Koran.


1. When I hear the word terrorist, I think of people who are killing people to cause fear and terror in people's lives. For example, Someone who blows a car up and kills people.

2. Terrorism is where somebody cause fear in people's lives by doing something to kill people. Al Qaeda are terrorists.

3. I got my knowledge about terrorism from books, pictures, movies, and from teachers.

4.Why do terrorist kill themselves to kill other people?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cover it up.

The dress code is all right at out school. I don't like being told what to wear but at least it is not like some suit you have to wear all day but its fine. High school students should wear what they want but it has to be appropriate. For example, no swearing, no racism, no discrimination etc.

The Muslim woman have a strict dress code. They have to wear black and cannot show any part of their body INCLUDING THEIR FACES!!!. I think that the woman should cover up, but not as severe as they are doing right now. The woman have dress code just like us because they don't want anything showing. It is different because it is part of the Muslim culture and for school we have to wear it so we don't get in trouble. A person's belief's and culture is more important than just a regular thing like school dress code.

Picture This...

When i was reading the article, I was picturing all the scenarios in my mind. After the scenarios there is a description of of people thought in their mind and what they would do. The description was what I pictured in my mind. It was like my mind was blowing up because that was how cool it is that people did the same thing i did in the situation. When it came to the ax scenario, I was kind of disturbed because i pictured the the description (blood, screams, death.).

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blood Thirsty

When i was reading the 8 page article, I found my self after about reading 3 or 4 pages that my mind was zoning of so I had to read the page again. Also I went on Facebook at around reading the 5th page and looking away from the screen at the wall or out of the window. 

I learned a couple of things. One thing I learned was that I did not know that the Spanish conquistadors had killed 80,400 people. Also I learned that the Aztecs sacrificed their people allot.

1.Why did the Aztecs believe in Gods and sacrificing people?

2.Why was the sun god important to the Aztecs?

3. Why was Ahuitzotl the most feared Aztecan ruler?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

911 Interview Questions

1. Do you think that the U.S is more or less prepared for disasters to come in the future like Hurricane Katrina, the gulf oil spill, and flooding? Why?

2.  What do you think would have happened if Flight 93 had reached the White House?

3. What do you think could have been done to prevent this attack?

Three Parts

In this story they talk about what they did in New Orleans before Huricane Katrina happened. When the hurricane hit they were scared and had mental breakdowns that everything was destroyed and they have to start all over and that they did not know yet if there family had died or were still alive. They talk about how love and family is more important than anything else. This changes our perspective on history by knowing more on the effect on the poeple after the hurricane.


 This is a story about 911, which is the terrorist attack that happened in New York. It is about a husband and a wife who were in New York the time of the attack. The wife got injured from a blast and she is still in shock. This could change our understanding of 911 because of how many people actually died their and not just a regular terrorist attack.

Think Inside The Box

The think inside the box assignment related to history because you got the chance to put things together by investigating what was inside their box to see what they did in the past. In one of the boxes I had, I found out that somone is related to a person in this grade. Also this is related to history because in real life you need to put evidence together to find out what happened in the past.