Wednesday, October 24, 2012

sources lines of inquery

-Why we should remember 911

Pictures Of Bombers (expert)-

The FBI made this photo of the hijackers. This was posted 72 hours after the attack. This was produced to show the people who bombed the towers and what flights they were on. This was intended for the U.S. to show who did it. This is surprising because they actually figured the hijackers and what planes they were on. If people saw this they could have hatred over Al Qaeda. I can use this in my project to show the people how much actual terrorists there were and what flights they were on

The path of the planes on 911(expert)

This was created by bbc news. I think this was in the UK  This was shown with the article to tell how many people died/injured, how many terrorists, and to show the flight paths of the airplanes and what airplanes hit what. This image is cool because it shows all the flights and shows where they went. When people see this they could be amazed because there were allot of planes bombing the U.S. I can use this in my project to show where the planes went. 

Where the terrorist sat on flight 11 (expert)

This picture was created by a site called 911 research.  I think this was made in the U.S. This picture was posted to show the people where the hijackers sat on 911, which was close to each other and not spread out. I'm showing flight 11 because flight 11 hit the north tower. This image is a good image because it shows where the hijackers sat. When the people see this they could be surprised by how close they were sitting next to each other  I can use this in my project to show the audience where the sat (which was close to each other).

Where the terrorist sat on flight 175 (expert)

This picture was also created by a site called 911 research.  I think this was made in the U.S. This picture was posted to show where the hijackers sat on flight 175, which was the flight that hit the south tower. This image was to show people that again the terrorist were close together in the front and not the back. This is a good image because it shows where the hijackers sat.  When people see this they could be like, Wow I never knew they sat this close to each other. I can use this in my project to show where the hijackers sat.

Flight 11 hitting north tower (non-expert)

This video was posted to you tube by a username of 911veritas. This was posted to you tube from the U.S. This was posted to show the reaction of people and to show the explosion of the north tower being hit by flight 11. This is a good video because it shows people doing their normal thing then all of a sudden a plane hits the WTC and people start freaking out.  When people see this, they could be like HOLY CRAP, it must be sad for those people in the buildings. I can use this in video to show the peoples reactions and the explosion.

Flight 175 hitting south tower (non-expert)

This video was posted to you tube by the username of AuroraHazel. This was posted from the U.S. This was posted to show flight 175 hitting the south tower on 911. Also it was to show the explosion and the reaction of the people  This video is good because it shows the reaction of the people and the explosion of flight 175 . When people see this, they could be like, WOW I cant believe an actual plane it the WTC. I can use this in my video to show the explosion of flight 175 hitting the south tower.

North tower burning pic (expert)

This picture was posted on a website by someone named J. McMichael. This picture was posted o the site by this guy, who lives in the U.S. This picture was posted to show the north tower burning  at 8:45 a.m after the plane had hit it on the 93rd floor. I am showing the picture to show how severe the fire was in the north tower. This image is cool because it shows the fire of the north tower. When people see this picture they could be shocked.

South tower burning pic (expert)

North tower collapse (non-expert)

South tower collapse (non-expert)

North tower collapse pic (expert)

South tower collapse pic (expert)

Before towers were hit (expert)

After towers were it (expert)

-What happened on 911

This is a timeline on what happened on 911 (expert)

This timeline was posted for the Nation 911 Memorial Museum  This was posted by the U.S. This timeline was posted to show the events that happened on 911. It shows pictures, audios, and videos to show people what happened. This timeline is good because it shows what happened on 911 with good detail.  When people see this they could be amazed of all the things that happened throughout the day. I can use this source for the information on 911.

k on why they picked the twin towers

- Look on why they picked the twin towers

This websites helps us learn on why they picked the WTC (expert)

This information website was posted about 911 by the government. This was posted in the U.S. This was posted to the internet to answer some of the questions people had about 911. This is biased for us being right and the terrorist being wrong. This is good because it has allot of information about 911 and what was the importance of the WTC. When people see this they could feel like they know more knowledge of what happened on 911. I could this to help people under stand on how important the WTC was and who was Al Qaeda.

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